Archive for October, 2021

California Introduces New Legislation: Senate Bill 9 – What Is It? 

Posted on October 25, 2021. Filed under: Los Angeles Real Estate, Orange County Real Estate | Tags: , , |

Senate Bill 9 is a new California state law that would allow homeowners to divide their property into 2 lots and place up to 4 homes in areas that were previously only allowed one home, regardless of local zoning. You could use SB9 to split your lot (and sell that part of your yard), add a 2nd home to your lot, or both.

Taking effect on January 1, 2022, SB9 intends to address the statewide housing crisis California is experiencing. The goal is to expand housing production as the continued housing crisis grows. The hope is that this bill will expand housing options for people of all incomes and expand the opportunities available for homeowners and renters. Two homes could be placed in what is now considered a single-family lot. The new lots would be required to contain 40 to 60 percent of the original lot space. 

What does this mean for homeowners and the real estate market? Two important things: 1) You could keep your current home but earn additional revenue by selling a part of your property to a new neighbor and 2) this bill could potentially add as many as 800,000 new units to the California market.                

SB9 would require cities and counties to approve of the housing development proposals if they meet the specified size and design standards. Some of the requirements considered for the proposed housing development include but not limited to: the area does not require demolition, ordinance, is not located within a historic district, is not included on the State Historic Resources Inventory, or is not within a site that is legally designated as a city or county landmark, historic property or district. If the identified requirements are met, the application for a housing development could be approved without a hearing. The new four-plexes would still need to follow local zoning rules and regulations in regards to things such as height and yard requirements. 

To learn more about the new legislation, here are some helpful links that provide additional detail: 

1) National Law ReviewIncludes a summary of SB8, SB9 and SB10. Key takeaways are also included for quick reference. 
2) CA Legislative Information The details of Senate Bill No. 9 and the proposed bill 
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Buying Property for Airbnb 

Posted on October 7, 2021. Filed under: First Time Buyer help | Tags: , , , |

A great advantage to owning real estate is having the luxury to rent out your property. Whether it is a short term or long term rental, investment properties can provide you with consistent monthly income. You don’t have to be in real estate to take advantage of investment properties, you just need to own one or two properties. 

Key Features to Look for When Searching for an Airbnb Investment Property

  1. Location, Location! Look for an area that is walking distance to tourist attractions (restaurants, bars, shopping, the beach, etc). You will attract more potential renters by highlighting that the property is close to the attractions they might be visiting. If it is not within a walkable distance, is there easy access to safe transportation? Airport, Uber, train stations? Also ensure location is in a safe community where short-term rentals are allowed and welcomed. 
  1. Look for properties with three to four bedrooms. This will attract a few different types of renters: big families, couples traveling together, two families traveling together, friend groups, etc. It is in your advantage to attract various renters who might be traveling for different reasons. Some people travel for vacation, some travel out of necessity, having a multi-functional property will attract more people. 
  2. Find a property with a unique perk or add one in! Whether it is a mini bar, a pool, hot tub, yard games, anything to help your property stand out will help attract renters. Having activities included with the property will give renters a reason to want to spend time there. This will also increase your odds of bringing those renters back to your property next time! If they have fun AT your property, that makes your property the unique aspect of their trip, rather than just the location. 
  3. Once you have found a property with a few key features and would like to consider investing in the property, determine the profit potential. has a tool available to estimate any property’s potential earnings. This can give you a good idea of how much you may be able to charge for the property and other fees to consider. 
  4. Expenses – General Upkeep as the Owner. When determining profit potential, it is also important to consider what the property will cost you in maintenance. As we have highlighted before, being a homeowner comes with many expenses! Here are a few expenses we suggest considering before purchasing: 
  • What are the host fees? 
  • What are the taxes/insurance and mortgage costs related to the property? This varies by state. 
  • How involved will you be as the host? Determine the expense of hiring someone, if not you, to assist in the upkeep and maintenance of the house. 
  • Will you need to fix up the property? Paint? Replacing fixtures? 
  • Depending on where the property is located, what type of lawn care is required? Snow removal? Moving the grass? Are there HOAs? 

According to Priceonomics, Airbnb hosts are earning an average of $924 a month. Click here to learn more about becoming a host and how much money you could earn. 

If you have any questions about investment in properties for short term or long term rentals, please reach out to our team!

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